March 2025 eNews

Dear SDA members and supporters,

As you all know, our communities face escalating threats right now, not least of which is the House of Representatives’ recent budget reconciliation vote that puts us on a path toward major budget cuts, very likely including Medicaid. Under the Trump administration, the “shock and awe” strategy of dismantling our rights has come to pass, and many of us are feeling justifiably hurt, angry, confused, and depressed.  While these coming years will undoubtedly test our resolve, we will also be able to draw on our resilience. Our organizing in support of a better world for seniors and disabled people continues to be essential, and if you’re looking for a chance to plug in, there’s no time like the present.

  • Join us tomorrow (Wednesday, March 5) at 10am for a resistance co-working space on Zoom. We will be discussing what members have been doing and can do to resist the erosion of our rights and benefits. Please join us!

  • Attend a Storytelling Training this Friday, March 7, at 1pm to learn about our Medicaid defense work and how you can share your stories with decision-makers.

  • Come to our General Meeting next Thursday, March 13, 10am to 12pm on Zoom or in person at the Unitarian Universalist Church (1187 Franklin St, SF). This month we’ll be learning and discussing how we can be in solidarity with our unhoused neighbors amid the increasing discrimination and violence they are facing. Zoom information forthcoming.

  • Rally with us against cuts to Muni service on March 18 at 12pm at City Hall. Stay tuned for more information and email if you’d like to attend.

For more information on events and action opportunities through our partners, visit our Surviving and Resisting Fascism: Resources and Actions page on our website.

SDA News & Highlights

Join us for an upcoming orientation!

If you’re interested in being part of our organizing work, join us at one of these upcoming sessions for an orientation to SDA – our history, our values, and our campaigns. Learn more about the campaigns we’re working on, our approach to organizing, and how you can get involved!

If you're wanting to find a political home and organize around local and state issues that impact our communities, our orientation is a great place to start. If you've been involved with SDA in the past and want to reconnect, you're also very welcome!

We are offering two orientation sessions this season, one in person at our SoMa office and one on Zoom. The content will be the same for both sessions. Masks required in person.

Monday March 10, 5:30 to 7pm PST on Zoom. Register here.
Monday April 7, 2 to 3:30pm PST in-person at our office (222 8th St, SF). Register here.

RSVP at the links above if you are interested in attending one of these sessions, or email if you have any questions.

Protect Medicaid! Join our Storytelling Training this Friday, March 7

A flyer for "Telling Your Story Training" on March 7th from 12-1PM on Zoom.

🚨 ALERT: Medicaid is at risk. 🚨 Join the LTSS4All Grassroots Coalition for a Storytelling Workshop on Friday, March 7, from 12 to 1pm PT on Zoom.

✔️ Get updates on Medicaid and Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)

✔️ Learn tips for sharing your story with lawmakers

✔️ Practice in a supportive space

This workshop will not be recorded, but there will be more chances to join in the future. Register here for the Storytelling Training. 

Stop Muni Service Cuts!

Muni cuts are coming if we don’t speak up! SDA is planning a rally on March 18 at 12 pm at CIty Hall to protest the impending Muni service cuts, followed by public comment. Please contact for more information.

Some background: SFMTA is facing a significant budget deficit of up to $322 million by 2026. SFMTA has already implemented several cuts last month. 

Even more service reductions are expected to come during the summer in anticipation of the massive cuts (of up to 30% of Muni service) that will eventually be required to address the agency’s full deficit. Read more on proposed Muni cuts here.

Email the mayor here if you want to get involved, and please come rally with us on March 18!

A round logo with the words "Muni Now, Muni Forever" and a drawing of a bus.

On Valentine’s Day we told the Mayor: We Love Muni! Filipino activists, Senior and Disability Action, and the San Francisco Transit Riders Union joined forces last month on Valentine's Day to urge the mayor to take swift actions to prevent devastating service cuts to Muni.

A group of people, many of them seniors dressed in red, holding up valentines in front of a door in a government building

Join our Masks for Equity work!

Are you concerned about public health protections being jeopardized on the federal level? Email to get involved in our organizing work to build local protections or fill out the Get Involved form on our website.


Our next masked park hang is Sunday, March 23, 2 to 5pm in Oakland (specific address TBD). We had 30 people come to February’s masked outdoor gathering. We’re so excited that our community is growing, and we would love to see you in March! More info on the M4E park hang and RSVP here.

Tell the Board of Supervisors: Restore Remote Public Comment for committee meetings!

Do you care about public access to democratic participation in San Francisco? Have you ever wanted to give testimony at a Board of Supervisors (BOS) or committee meeting, but been unable to because you can’t make it there in person? Contact the Board of Supervisors and urge them to restore Remote Public Comment for committee meetings! You can send them a message through our letter-writing tool.


Originally enacted at the beginning of the pandemic, the BOS repealed remote public comment in fall 2023, shutting out the voices of so many San Franciscans who can't, for myriad reasons, make it to City Hall in the middle of the day to give comment in person. Contact your Supervisors today! For more talking points and information on this issue, check out our Remote Public Comment campaign letter and sign up here to get more involved! 

Valentine’s Day Actions to Protect Medicaid

A group of people standing outside a brick house smiling and holding papers that say “We love Medicaid"

The Valentine's Day week of action brought about actions to defend Medicaid in different regions of California, as members of the LTSS4All (Long-Term Services and Supports) Coalition visited Representatives to share the importance of Medicaid to diverse communities throughout the state.


In San Francisco, on Friday, February 21, SDA joined SEIU 2015 to visit Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's residence and deliver Valentine cards asking her to become our champion to defend Medicaid from the attacks of the federal government. Interested in taking part in more actions to defend Medicaid? Attend our Storytelling Training (see above for more details) to prepare for legislative visits, or contact or for more information.

Member Spotlight: Ana Malinow

Tell us a little bit about yourself! How long have you been involved with SDA and what have you been working on? What drew you to organizing with SDA?

I am a retired pediatrician and help lead the organization The Movement to End Privatization of Medicare. One of our members invited Ligia Montano to attend our early meetings and we've been collaborating on projects to educate seniors and people with disabilities on the privatization of Medicare, and efforts to stop this, ever since.

What kinds of campaigns would you like to work on in the future at SDA? What do you want us to win in the next few years?

I love the educational outreach that SDA has with senior centers in San Francisco. I would love to become more involved with disability action groups in the future.

What do you like to do for fun? What do you wish more people knew about you?

I love to spend time with my granddaughter who just turned one. I love to cook for my family, to swim, bike, read, travel, and go on long walks with my husband.

Become a member of SDA! Here’s how to join (or renew your dues) today!

Go to our website and find the option that works best for you.

Have questions? Email or contact one of the SDA organizers.

Community Resource Corner

The Community Resource program is led by Damara Lopez and staffed by our team of Peer Advocates. The Peer Advocates field calls and concerns on a variety of issues and work to help people find the right support or redress for their problem. 


If you need help...

  • Getting your benefits, such as SSI, SSDI, CalFresh

  • Finding home care

  • Understanding a confusing letter or document you received

  • Getting services in the language you prefer

  • With your housing situation

Our Peer Advocates can help answer your questions and direct you to the appropriate resources. Call 415-546-1333 and leave a message or come by during our drop-in hours. To find our up-to-date hours of operation, or to send us an email, visit the Community Resource page on our website.

Reading Recommendation: Black Disability History, Vol. I

This Medium article by Marquisse highlights some key stories and figures of Black disability history, who are often left out of mainstream narratives on both Black history and disability history. Read to learn about Black disabled activists such as Bradley Lomax, Johnnie Lacy, and many more.

Community News & Events

Immigration Know Your Rights Training – March 15

SF Labor Council, City College of SF Labor and Community Studies Department, and Bay Resistance are co-sponsoring this Know Your Rights event on Saturday, March 15, 10am to 4pm at the Mission Campus (1125 Valencia St, SF). The training will be not only for people with immigration concerns, but for workers who directly serve immigrants. Thanks to the SF Labor Council, the event will be multilingual. English, Vietnamese, and Spanish translation confirmed currently, and that list will grow in the coming days. RSVP to the Know Your Rights training here.

A flyer with a black background that reads: Save the Date! Immigration: Know Your Rights Training; a Labor and Community Convening. City College Mission Campus, 1125 Valencia Street. Sat, March 15th, 10am to 4pm.

Disability Justice Story Quilt Gathering – Wednesday, March 5, 5 to 8pm

Join one of these monthly hybrid events, held the first Wednesday of each month, 5 to 8pm at the Ed Roberts Center in Berkeley and on Zoom. The March event will be tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5. These events are supported by the Center for Independent Living and SDA member and Peer Advocate Maya Scott-Chung. RSVP to the DJ Story Quilt Gathering here.

Resources on Palestine and Disability

SDA continues to stand in support of Palestinians and call for an immediate end to the violence Israel is inflicting on Palestinian people and their land. Go to our website for some resources on disability and Palestine and opportunities to support. If you know of other resources or action opportunities to share, please let us know!

Let's build this movement together.

Please become a member or donate today! 

Senior and Disability Action
P.O. Box 423388
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 546-1333

Please let us know if you have any issue with the email format or if there are changes you think we should make. Thank you for reading!