Healthcare Action Team (HAT)
HAT is a coalition of seniors, people with disabilities, caregivers and community agencies working together to advocate for expansion of homecare services and quality health care. We use songs, storytelling and other popular education and participatory research models to raise awareness of the growing need for quality services and housing and the important role they play in our community. Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of every month, 11am - 1pm. Email for more information or sign up on our Get Involved page.
Healthcare Action team members advocating for Social Security Income (SSI) in Sacramento, 2018
HAT Goals
Increase Access to In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
HAT includes current and former homecare workers as well as people who are served by them. The importance of professional, appropriate and accessible homecare services are recognized by HAT as critical aspects of community living. With homecare, people are able to avoid institutionalization and remain independent. Expansion of homecare services is one of the principal tenets of HAT work.
Improve domestic workers’ conditions in order to improve Long-Term Services and Supports in the State of California
We believe that there is an intrinsic relationship between seniors and people with disabilities struggle and the domestic workers liberation. We believe that it is our duty to support domestic worker while educating domestic employers about their rights and responsibilities.
Stop the Privatization of Traditional Medicare
Medicare has been by a vital part of the social safety net of this country, providing government paid healthcare for millions of seniors, and people with disabilities, who might otherwise be reduced to poverty by medical bills. The ongoing privatization of Medicare represents a threat to our Healthcare System and we are disseminating this information in our communities.
Increase social benefits for seniors and people with disabilities
HAT is involved in many coalitions such as CA4SSI, and CARA that are fighting to improve social benefits such as SSI/SSP, Medical, Medicare, and other local and state services for seniors and people with disabilities. We work with other stake holders and legislators to lift seniors and people with disabilities from poverty.